Wednesday, October 17, 2012


When we got our LOA package in the mail on Saturday, Oct. 13th we had so much excitement!  We got travel information and visa applications and all sorts of fun stuff!  We also knew that the next payment was due for this phase and we only had half of the money left from donations and fundraisers.  So we didn't know where the other half was going to come from.  As Robert and I are looking through the mound of paperwork, the fee schedule said that AAC our agency granted us a $3,000 grant!  We were so thrilled!  God knew that we would be taken care of! 
Yesterday was also a very exciting day as we found out that one of AAC's employees is traveling to China on October 24th.  She said she was willing to deliver care packages to families that have received their LOA or travel approval!  So last night we put together a small care package for Zoe as the rule was it had to fit in a 1 gallon freezer bag.  We put a small photo album, a colorful security blanket and lollipops for all the children on her floor!  It will get delivered to her orphanage by the staff member so we know she will get it!  That was so much fun getting it ready for her.
On top of all that excitement, we got a call last night from someone who wanted to make a large donation to us in installments for the remainder of our adoption process.  So this amount will pretty much cover the rest of our adoption!  GOD IS SO AWESOME AND ALWAYS OUR PROVIDER IF WE PUT OUR FAITH AND TRUST IN HIM THAT HE WILL PROVIDE!  Robert and I are so blessed and thankful!
So now we just wait for travel approval which will take a few months for us to get, but we are a HUGE step closer to bringing our baby girl home!


  1. So thrilled for crying reading your post! Praise God! J9

    1. Thankyou Jeannine! God is awesome and provides in the most amazing ways!
